Agriculture after Sales Service comes to ACDP beneficiary farmers in Rubanda District


One of the Grievances that the project anticipated to arise was the supply of poor quality of inputs, delays in delivery of inputs, high cost of inputs, wrong input varieties among other complaints. Indeed, in April, verbal reports reaching the coordination office, indicated that a cross section of beneficiary farmers in Muko Sub county, Rubanda district had received poor germinating bean seeds redeemed under the e-voucher program.  To validate the complaints a response team quickly visited the aggrieved farmers to make an assessment. The team was comprised of MAAIF Cluster 11 Coordinator, the supplier (Green Firm Africa), Acting District Production Officer, Acting DAO and the sub county extension worker for the affected sub county. The team sampled and interacted with nine affected farmers and sampled four gardens. This is what they found out;

·       A total of 63 farmers all hailing from one sub county; Muko in Rubanda district had received a batch of bean seed whose germination rate was very poor. Overall percentage germination ranged between 40 – 60%

The supplier who was part of the team, agreed to compensate each of the affected farmers with 15Kgs of bean seed (50%). To effect this, the sub county extension worker called each of the 63 affected farmers and communicated to them the agreed compensation rate. As of today, the supplier has already delivered  the agreed 50% compensation  in the presence of the extension officer for Muko Sub county

Mr Habyalimana John Bosco takes the team through his effected garden

All the farmers who were visited by this team were excited and thanked ACDP/MAAIF for taking such an initiative to follow up the beneficiaries and give compensation to those affected as a result of receiving a less viable batch of bean seed. The affected beneficiaries were thrilled and humbled after received verbal apologies from the Executive Director of the company who had supplied the bean seed. They testified that they had never received such an extraordinary follow up service from any government Agency and most of them vowed to continue enrolling and supporting activities of ACDP. This is addition to the quality of other inputs such tarpaulins received from the same project.



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