e- Voucher members of Waraka United farmers’ Association - Yumbe district reap big from cassava sales

Jamal Muhammad is the chairperson for the 30 member association composed of  21female and nine males, the group was formed in 2015.  This group joined ACDP in November, 2019, enrolled in the e-Voucher program and  they grow cassava. They have also partnered with Dan- church Aid and are supported to grow sunflower.  Last season, they produced 4.5 tonnes of sunflowers and sold to Mukwano group of companies.


Group member crush cassava into smaller pieces for drying

Under the e-Subsidy program, each member received eight bags of cassava cuttings for one acre and have been able to supply the NAADs program with 480 bags. Before  joining ACDP only two members supplied  less than 200 bags locally.

Members have also been able to earn Shs 900,000 from cassava cuttings after using Shs 148,000 for the subsided inputs. The benefit is both from the cassava cutting as well as harvest of tubers which is used for food but also sold.

Change at home: Food issues at home is now a thing of the past. Members have been able to build brick houses and roof with iron sheets, which was not the case before. Children can also now stay in school since parents can afford school fees. During COVID19 lockdown,  when schools were closed, everyone was busy in the gardens.


Malik Sadiq, a group member said “ from one acre of land, I got 80 bags of cassava cuttings which I supplied to NAADs at 12,000 shillings a bag. I also got 70 bags of cassava tubers, which I also  to schools and the refugee camps”.

Tiko Rhema, secretary to the group also said  she got 8 bags of cassava cuttings from the cluster project, which she planted on one acre. She was able to get 40 bags which she sold at NAADs at 1200 shillings per bag.


1)    Pests and disease

2)    Weather changes

3)    Lack of market- it becomes more difficult when the harvest is ready and there is no market

4)    Lack of value addition and equipment

5)    Low adoption of improved technologies

6)    Face challenges of land opening due to limited tractor hire services

7)    Members not planting in time.


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